We organise activities in the following fields of expertise:
Vocational Education and Training, employment, medical rehabilitation, mental health, independent living, quality, outcome measurement, empowerment, ICT and Assistive Technology, strategy and organisational performance.
Our events, mutual learning and training activities include:
Study visits, expert training sessions, awareness raising events, benchmarking seminars and benchlearning groups. Every year we organise an Annual Conference including training workshops and hold a Strategic Workshop for Directors on organisational development and strategy. Our Public Affairs events are an opportunity to bring together our work on policy and practice. We organise Training sessions on EU initiatives and policy and capacity building seminars on accessing EU funding programmes.
Our programme of activities is developed through individual consultations with each of our members. The use of web meetings facilitates participation and provides regular opportunities to exchange with other members on policy, practice and projects.
Project work includes:
Partner matching, project application support, training workshops on accessing EU funds, funding alerts.
Policy analysis: We carry out policy analysis and work with partners to influence policy in the fields of disability specific policy, social services, the European Semester and employment.