• 4Quality project

    4Quality project

    (2015) The project is implemented by a European network of 9 partners able to structure a European stakeholder dialogue on quality of jobs and servicese. EPR is involved in the project through Social Services Europe.

    Discover the project here >
  • Learnabil-IT: Mutual Learning on skills for the ICT labour market for people with disabilities

    Learnabil-IT: Mutual Learning on skills for the ICT labour market for people with disabilities

    (2014) Learnabil-IT aimed to promote the cooperation and mutual learning between the worlds of work and vocational education and training in the ICT sector, supporting a better labour skills match and a greater employability of people with disabilities in the open labour market.

    Discover the project here >
  • PESSIS 2: Promoting employers’ social services organisations in social dialogue

    PESSIS 2: Promoting employers’ social services organisations in social dialogue

    (2013 – 2014) It was the follow up of the project PESSIS and represented the second step of a longer term process aiming at establishing a representative platform for employers in the social services sector at European level.

  • ATIS4all Project

    ATIS4all Project

    (2010 – 2013) Assistive Technologies and Inclusive Solutions for All (ATIS4all) is a European project aimed at improving the accessibility of assistive technology (AT) for all.

  • ÆGIS Project

    ÆGIS Project

    (2008 – 2012) The international project aimed at empowering people with disabilities, the elderly and anyone else experiencing disadvantaged when using Internet services, desktop PCs or mobile devices.

  • Active inclusion for young people with disabilities or health problems

    (2011 – 2012) Research project funded by the European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions (Eurofound) with the aim to evaluate and compare the status of the active inclusion of young people with disabilities in different countries.

  • Promoting employers’ social services organisations in social dialogue (PESSIS)

    Promoting employers’ social services organisations in social dialogue (PESSIS)

    (2011 – 2012) The project aimed to provide a detailed understanding of how social dialogue is organised and structured in the social sector in Europe.

  • DeSqual


    (2014) This project is a collaboration of 4 Quality assurance expert organisations and 10 social service providers / VET providers for people with disabilities who will pilot a new developed training program for achieving sustainable quality assurance. The project DeSqual will contribute to the sustainable implementation of EQAVET requirements in their quality system.

  • Prometheus Project

    Prometheus Project

    (2008 – 2010) The project aimed to reach an agreement between stakeholders about the definition, measurement, assessment and improvement of quality of social services.

  • EQUASS in Practice Project

    (2008 – 2010) aimed to develop and share best practice for how VET service providers may work to implement the EQUASS Assurance certification programme, improving quality of their services and achieving sustainable working practice and routines.