Transition to Community-Based Services and Independent Living: New EDF Position Paper

The transition from institutionalised settings towards community-based services and independent living for persons with disabilities is a hot topic of discussion across the EU. But how can it be implemented? There are many challenges, primary amongst which is a lack of commonly agreed upon definitions of what independent living truly means, as well as insufficient data on institutionalised individuals. The new Position Paper released by European Disability Forum (EDF) on 21 June aims precisely to unpack these problems and give recommendations for decision-makers and specific advice for the EU on using its instruments to support the aforementioned transition. Find the full Position Paper here

It is important to note that the much-anticipated EU “Guidance on Independent Living and Inclusion in the Community” – one of the flagship initiatives under the European Disability Strategy – expected for autumn 2024, will be a pivotal development of EU policy in this field. EPR continues to closely follow this topic and is committed to enhancing members’ knowledge on the topic under activities related to Pathways for Independent Living which will take place in September-October of this year.