The D-WISE network presented its 2022 Social Impact Report, focusing on social enterprises

On 27 September the D-WISE network presented the Social Impact Report during the high-level meeting organised by the Network, which brought together speakers from the Directorate for Employment of the European Commission and partner organisations including EPR.

The report aims to propose indicators for measuring the impact of social enterprises, more specifically Work Integration Social Enterprises (WISEs) for people with disabilities, in 7 thematic areas including access to work, training, working conditions etc. The research is based on a literature review of the existing social impact measurement methodologies and a survey run among member organisations from across Europe about their social impact measurement practices. Results show that measuring social impact of WISEs is very difficult as there is no definition, however it can help justify the financial support to these social enterprises from governments.

The D-WISE Network is an international partnership promoted by Fundación ONCE and co-financed by the European Social Fund which aims to examine and raise awareness about the role of the social economy sector in creating employment of persons with disabilities. EPR is a partner of the Network and participated in the survey.

>> You can read the report here.