Strengthened EU Equality Bodies

At the Employment, Social Policy, Health and Consumer Affairs Council of 7 May 2024, two Directives (Council Directive (EU) 2024/1499 and Directive (EU) 2024/1500 of the European Parliament and of the Council) were formally adopted to strengthen the role of equality bodies across the EU. These bodies – public institutions established to promote equal treatment and provide assistance to victims of discrimination – will see improved effectiveness and guaranteed independence under the new rules. The directives establish common EU-wide minimum requirements in a number of key areas, including enhanced competences to address discrimination in employment and social security, legal independence, and adequate resources. Public institutions must now consult equality bodies on discrimination matters, and these bodies are empowered to prevent discrimination and promote equality. Hence, this is a significant milestone as it sets a wider mandate for Equality Bodies, increasing protection for persons with disabilities who are disproportionately affected by discrimination and social exclusion. Member states are required to adapt their national legislation to the provisions of the directives by 19 June 2026.