Social Services Europe impacts European Parliament Opinion on InvestEU funding programme

Social Services Europe (SSE) has successfully influenced the European Parliament’s Opinion on the InvestEU Programme.

InvestEU, one of the funding programmes of the European Union, compiles already-available financial instruments aimed at funding investment projects in Europe. The Programme will ensure that EU funding for investment projects is more efficient and flexible, boosting job creation, innovation and investment.

SSE proposed amendments to various sections of the Opinion, ranging from civil society involvement, capacity building, the role of social services, risk profiling, and more. All of SSE’s proposed amendments were accepted, except for the proposed amendment related to the Stability and Growth Pact.

The European Parliament adopted their Opinion on InvestEU in late 2018. Their opinion now reflects SSE’s amendments.

  • Read the European Parliament Opinion on the InvestEU programme here
  • Learn more about Social Services Europe here
  • Visit the InvestEU homepage here
  • Check out this official Fact Sheet on InvestEU here

EPR is member of Social Services Europe and currently runs its presidency for the next six months.