Social Economy Action Plan

On December 9th 2021, the European Commission adopted an Action Plan on Social Economy to put forward concrete measures to help mobilise the full potential of the sector, building on the results of the 2011 Social Business Initiative and the 2016 Start-up and Scale-up Initiative.

The aim of the Action Plan is to enhance social investment, support social economy actors and social enterprises to start-up, scale-up, innovate and create jobs through a number of key actions and a series of initiatives in the following three areas:

  • Creating the right framework conditions for the social economy to thrive
  • Opening up opportunities and support to capacity building
  • Enhancing recognition of the social economy and its potential

Social Services Europe (SSE), who contributed to the development of the Action Plan, published a statement on the Social Economy Action Plan, a first analysis of the Actions Plan’s relevance for the provision of social services in the social economy. 

On December 20th 2021, EPR co-organised with its member Fundación Rey Ardid an in-person National Awareness Raising Event on ‘Good practices in social enterprise: social economy, participatory processes and inclusion’ in Zaragoza, Spain. 

EPR Spanish members (Fundación ONCE, Fundación Intras and Fundación Rey Ardid) presented related initiatives and joined debates with the audience about the future of employment of persons with disabilities in Spain. Key actors of the sector in the region joined the event, sharing about supported employment centres and inclusive projects.   

>> Find more information about the Social Economy Action Plan here.

>> Read the SSE Statement on the Social Economy Action Plan here.