Service description created at Astangu Vocational Rehabilitation Centre: Supporting the student’s individual learning path in mainstream vocational schools

Astangu VRC, in partnership with the service design agency Brand Manual and seven vocational schools, is concluding the service design project (2021-2023). The project’s objective was to develop a vocational rehabilitation service tailored for implementation in mainstream vocational schools throughout Estonia.

The outcome is a model for supporting the individual learning path of students with support needs, based on the vocational rehabilitation service offered by Astangu VRC and adapted to the context and capacities of regular vocational schools.

The model describes practices in six stages:
1. Pre-admission: Sharing understandable information about the school and learning
2. Admission process and assessment of the competences of student candidates.
3. Noticing the students’ needs and early intervention.
4. Providing support services and measures.
5. Organisation and support of internships.
6. Employment support.

The service description also highlights the key role of factors such as inclusive values, organisation culture, systematic and clear work processes, a student-centered approach in decision-making, various study levels and study programmes that align with the demands of the labor market.

The project was funded by the European Social Fund. Astangu VRC continues to support vocational schools in implementing the practices through providing training and leading network activities.