Women and girls with a disability – Active Inclusion and Equal Opportunities

This analytical paper looks into existing EU and international policy frameworks to tackle gender inequalities and provides recommendations for EU policy makers. EPR brings to light the main barriers confronted by women and girls with a disability; specifically those related to the fields of work the EPR network engages with. As such, this paper focuses on the obstacles to access services such as those related to education, employment and health care. Additionally, EPR gathers and shares four good practices from its membership to illustrate with concrete examples services addressed at empowering women with disabilities. EPR believes that supporting and contributing to the sharing of good practices between EU Member States is one step forward to take action towards achieving active inclusion and equal opportunities for women and girls with a disability.

The paper unavoidably includes the scourge for both our society in general and for them in particular: violence women and girls with a disability can experience. This violence is a concrete consequence of the discrimination experienced by this target group as the specific services and good practices dedicated to combat it shared by EPR members show.

Finally, this analytical paper gathers brief conclusions on the above mentioned issues and presents EPR members’ practices and projects as annexes.

Read the Analytical Paper here.