Particip.AGE project first year!

The project was officially kicked-off mid January 2023 at an in person meeting at the University of Galway, Ireland. Within the first quarter of the project life cycle, the partners have successfully developed protocols and plans for Communication and Dissemination, Environmental Policy, Ethical and Data Protection, Co-Production and Quality Management.

The development of research methodology and templates for Good Practices in Policy and Regulation, Case Studies and Stakeholder Needs Analysis have been finalised and project partners have undertaken the research within their organisations and networks. The target numbers for each partner for the collection of good practices and case studies were fully met by the end of June. The analysis report of the research findings is completed and based on these findings, the partners drafted a report with policy recommendations – both reports are available online.

The dissemination & communication plan and the design of the cover page for the project’s publications were updated by EPR and approved by the project consortium. The second TPM took place in Brussels on the 28th and 29th of September.