On 4 March, over 250 organisations from across Europe came together and released a joint statement, calling on European Union (EU) leaders to establish a stand-alone, fully-funded Social Fund (ESF+) in the next EU budget in order to promote social inclusion, reduce inequalities, and ensure Europe remains competitive globally.
The EU has begun talks on the next long-term EU Budget, which will determine how billions of euros are invested in Europe’s future. Initial discussions suggest potential cuts to crucial social investment programmes, with proposals to merge funding mechanisms. This holds a significant risk that there will be weakened support to key actions and programmes for labour market integration, training, and social inclusion.
The statement, launched by the European Association of Service providers for Persons with Disabilities (EASPD) together with Social Services Europe, Social Platform, Red Cross EU, Social Economy Europe, the Lifelong Learning Platform (LLLP) and the European Public Service Union (EPSU), was signed by over 250 organisations. EPR, as a member of Social Services Europe, supports the statement and joins the call for a strong ESF+.
Read the full statement here.