Ensuring Wellbeing and Mental Health at School: New Guidelines for policymakers and educators
Rising mental health challenges amongst a younger and younger demographic across Europe is an issue that needs to be tackled...
News General
Rising mental health challenges amongst a younger and younger demographic across Europe is an issue that needs to be tackled...
News General
The 12th Edition of the EU Justice Scoreboard - an established and fundamental instrument in the EU’s Rule of Law toolbox...
News General
On 17 June, EuroHealthNet and the Institute of Public Health in Ireland published a new report: “A Wellbeing Economy can...
News General
The transition from institutionalised settings towards community-based services and independent living for persons with...
News General
On 19 June 2024, the European Commission launched a proposal for a Council Decision on guidelines for the employment policies of...
Employment, skills & VET
It is no secret that Europe has an ageing population: the population aged 60 and older is rapidly growing in the WHO European...
Employment, skills & VET
The initial findings of the first Artificial Intelligence (AI) skills survey, conducted by Cedefop in spring 2024, were...
Technologies & Digital Transformation
Today, the disability employment gap stands at around 21%. This measure compares the employment of persons with disabilities...
Technologies & Digital Transformation
Between 6 and 9 June, European citizens voted to elect their representatives in the European Parliament. The results determine...
EU Policy & Social Affairs
On 11 to 13 June the 17th session of the Conference of States Parties (CoSP) took place in New York. This is an annual gathering...
EU Policy & Social Affairs