Fundación SASM
Country: Spain
Name of EPR Director: David Marqués
Name of EPR Centre Coordinator: Jesús Rienda
SASM Foundation, is a non-profit organization that was established as such in April 2001, with a social assistance character, and with the aim of addressing the social and health care, recovery and residence of people with chronic mental illness.
As the only governing body is the board of trustees, which currently consists of:
This governing body makes the strategic decisions of the SASM Foundation based on the approval of the results obtained and reported by the management of the resources.
SASM Foundation is registered in the Register of Entities, Centers and Services of Social Services of the Comunidad Valenciana with the number 06.46-1986, by resolution of May 27, 2002, of the Generalitat Valenciana in its Directorate General of Social Integration of the Disabled.
Since the establishment of SASM Foundation, it has fought to achieve an improvement in care for the recovery of people with functional diversity. That is why we have put a lot of effort in defending and developing resources for the care of people with functional diversity and mental health problems and. with the aim of facilitating inclusion in their social environment, promote autonomy and improve their quality of life.
With the opening in 2004 of the specific resources for people with severe mental disorders CEEM (residence for people with mental health problems) and Day Center (day resource for people with mental health problems), we began to build a support network that would cover the different care needs required by the people we serve and that the existing network of resources did not have the capacity to provide.
In December 2006, the General Directorate of SERVEF approved the approval for the delivery of 6 training specialties for occupational training courses. Since 2012, CEEM facilities are approved to provide the following training specialties:
Throughout all this time, the SASM Foundation has been aware that a network of support services was not only needed for people with severe mental disorders, but also for those who suffered from other types of functional diversity that resulted in a situation of dependency.
That is why in addition to having in project the creation in the town of Sueca of a new residence for 20 places and three sheltered housing (four and seven places) for people with severe mental disorder, we bet in 2019 to expand the scope of services provided to another population that also requires specialized and quality care, due to their situation of dependence due to functional diversity. So we submitted our bid for the tender for the management of the Residence and Day Center for people with disabilities in Sueca.
And since October 2019, the SASM Foundation has been managing these resources for people with disabilities through concerted action with the City Council of Sueca.
All the resources managed by SASM Foundation work in a network with the aim of providing the necessary community support to ensure that the care provided to people is as functional as possible. This networking is complemented by a real social and health coordination between our organization and the social and health services in the area, which allows us to work under a model of community care aimed at the recovery and full inclusion of people with functional diversity and mental health problems, thus ensuring the enjoyment of rights and a real and effective participation.
The work carried out in all resources is managed by a network of professionals with extensive experience in both mental health and functional diversity, supported by a team of administration, management and direction, composed of:
All resources are managed with public funds through concerted actions with different administrations.
The principles and values of the SASM Foundation, which reflect its purpose and way of doing things, are reflected in the Vision and Mission statements, as well as in its Values, as we can see below:
To be a solid, responsible and referent entity in the field of care for people with functional diversity and mental health problems in the Comunidad Valenciana, whose way of acting is based on integrity, efficiency, service, quality and general interest.
Eliminate stigma and improve the quality of life of people with functional diversity and mental health problems and their families, through comprehensive person-centered care.
In order to achieve its Vision and Mission, through the implementation of its Values, SASM Foundation has defined the following GENERAL OBJECTIVES of action, which guide the policies, programs and activities carried out in this non-profit organization:
To facilitate the achievement of these objectives, the SASM Foundation has defined, developed, implemented and externally certified a Quality Management System based on the ISO 9001 international standard, and whose Quality Policy establishes a reference framework for establishing and reviewing Quality objectives and goals, seeking to achieve the following principles:
Fundación SASM
Camino guardarany de, Avinguda de Les Cendroses,
46410, Sueca, Valencia