G7 on Disability in Italy

The Group of Seven, also known as G7, is an international forum that brings together the leaders of seven countries: the United States, Canada, Japan, Germany, France, the United Kingdom and Italy. For the first time, a ministerial meeting dedicated exclusively to the topics of inclusion and disability was held in Italy from 14 to 16 October 2024. The 2-day event included participation from many organisations. The preparatory day consisted of 6 panels and more than fifty panellists representing governments, not only from G7 countries, but also from Kenia, South Africa, Tunisia, Vietnam, Mexico together with representatives of EU Commission, disability organisations such as the European Disability Forum, and the United Nations. 

At the end of Wednesday, the Charter of Solfagnano was signed. This political declaration adopted represents the 8 priorities to which the G7 countries commit themselves for the future. They are:

  • Priority 1 – Inclusion as a priority theme of all political agendas
  • Priority 2 – Universal accessibility
  • Priority 3 – Autonomous and independent life
  • Priority 4 – Enhancement of talents and work inclusion
  • Priority 5 – Promotion of new Technologies
  • Priority 6 – Sports and recreational dimension of life
  • Priority 7 – Dignity of life and dimension of services
  • Priority 8 – Prevention and management of emergency and post-emergency situations, particularly in relation to the climate crisis.

Find the full text of the Charter here. Likewise, the G7 Ministers’ Meeting Press Conference is openly available on YouTube. EPR is thrilled to see specific commitments to: 

  • ensure universal access and accessibility; 
  • promote independent living, support inclusive education, decent employment and decent working conditions; 
  • ensure the availability and adaptability of community based services; 
  • advance the use of accessible and inclusive new technologies. 

We eagerly await the concrete actions to follow to ensure the effective implementation of these ambitious objectives in the G7 and beyond.