Return to Work / Partnership with Employers Working Group

Online (Zoom) 26 September 2023, 14.30-16.30 CEST

The WG has been set up to refocus EPR’s work on services and tools/instruments by our members targeted to support employers, to continue earlier work on return-to-work programmes and to take up, where relevant, activities done in the last years in the framework of the dedicated Disability Management Working Group. The WG thematic focus lays in working with employers who aim to support their staff facing the impacts of an accident or chronic disease and their return to work and actively exchanging the tools to support employers with effectively rolling out and implementing disability management in their companies.

The EPR Catalogue of Activities 2023 provides summary information on the new Working Group Return to Work/Partnership with Employers:

  • 2 online meetings (…) discussing barriers, success factors & good practices for return-to-work programmes &, job retention programmes; Invitation of external experts and regulators from the relevant fields;
  • Elaboration of a practice-oriented toolkit for partnerships with employers, including the business case for disability management, drawing from 2019 toolkit – open session for sharing of experience with all interested members;
  • Feeding into European Disability Strategy Employment Package Initiatives “securing vocational rehabilitation schemes” and ensuring reasonable accommodation at work;
  • Feeding into the work of the Inclusive Labour Market Alliance (ILMA) on reasonable accommodation.

In order to participate in the meeting, please fill the registration form no later than September, 22 12h00 CEST.

The meeting is for EPR members only.


Information details

Programme file

Contact person

Eberhard Lueder