25 October 2023, 9.00 - 11.00 CEST
Join us for the next meeting of the Working Group Employment, Inclusion and ICF taking place on 25th October 2023 at 9h00 CEST online (Teams)! The working group will finalise work on policy recommendations on ICF and discuss topics of interest for the upcoming year. This meeting is open to EPR members only.
25 October 2023, 14.00 - 16.00 CEST
EPR co-organises with Autism-Europe this public webinar in October on the employment of autistic people. Please find the agenda and the registration link below.
23 October 2023, 10.00-12.00 CEST
Join us for the next meeting of the Working Group Digital Skills taking place on 23th October 2023 at 10h00 CEST online (Teams)! The working group will exchange news and updates on members activities on digital skills, review recent initiatives by the EU, and discuss topics of interest for the upcoming year. This meeting is open to […]
19 October 2023, 10.00-12.00 CEST
Join us for the next meeting of the Working Group Mental Health taking place on 19th October 2023 at 10h00 CEST online (Teams)! The WG will review recent mental health initiatives by the EU and other international actors, together with the resources gathered on soft skills, and discuss the activities and topics of interest for the upcoming […]
18 October 2023, 14.30-17.30 CEST
In Europe, VET and Community Care services touch the lives of countless individuals with disabilities. Recognizing the pivotal role that they play in shaping the quality of life (QoL) for People with Disabilities stands as a cornerstone in addressing this vital matter. The “Unlocking New Horizons” conference wants spotlight and advocate the impressive results […]
18 October 2023, 10.00 - 12.00 CEST
EPR Policy Working Group becomes the EPR Policy Network. An online space where EPR members learn and exchange on EU policies and discuss with invited speakers on key policy matters in the sector of rehabilitation, VET, quality of services and more. Please, find the registration and agenda below. This meeting is for EPR members only. […]
17 October 2023, 11.00-13.00 CEST
On 17 October, from 11.00 to 13.00 CET, the Video Online Learning and Training (VOLT) Project partners will launch the VOLT Website & Platform, aiming to empower digital collaboration and innovation in education through video learning. The VOLT Project is committed to empower staff and learners to become digital collaborators, innovators, and creators making videos […]
5 October 2023, 10.00-12.00 CEST
Join us for the next meeting of the Working Group Youth taking place on 5th October 2023 at 10h00 CEST online (Teams)! Click here to join the meeting Meeting ID: 319 092 902 029 Passcode: BJKrmu Download Teams | Join on the webDraft agenda Youth WG 5 October 2023
5 October 2023, 10.00 - 12.00 CEST
The EPR Communication network forges exchanges of expertise and improve communication of EPR activities. The annual online meeting encourage members to update on campaigns, tools and social media, how to best communicate messages about social rights, services and disability in Europe. Aims of the 2023 Communications Network meeting: Share good practices on communication strategies, tactics, […]
4 October 2023, 14:30 - 16:30 CET
European platforms of disability sector invite you to join this webinar where experiences about public employment for those people with disabilities with more difficulties in the labour market will be shared. Register and access here.
26 September 2023, 14.30-16.30 CEST
The WG has been set up to refocus EPR’s work on services and tools/instruments by our members targeted to support employers, to continue earlier work on return-to-work programmes and to take up, where relevant, activities done in the last years in the framework of the dedicated Disability Management Working Group. The WG thematic focus lays […]
18 September 2023, 14.00-16.00 CEST
Topics will include: Application for membership Information about staffing reorganisation of the secretariat Sharing of strategic updates from members, with a focus on activities relating to addressing the recruitment and retention crisis in the social sector EQUASS This meeting is for members only and the documentation is circulated to members by email.
22 - 23 June 2023 (1.5 days)
This year is EPR’s 30th anniversary and we are excited to jointly organise our celebratory Annual Conference with founding EPR member the Centre de Réadaptation de Mulhouse (CRM), Mulhouse, France. The Annual Conference will bring together EPR’s members and guests for a day and half of celebrations, interaction and inspiration, on the theme of […]
21 June 2023
These meetings are for members only Schedule 10.30 – 12.00 Study visits & Q&A 12-00 – 12.45 Further discussions 13.00 – 14.00 Lunch 14.00 – 15.30 Centre Coordinators meeting 15.30 – 15.45 Coffee Break 15.45 – 17.15 General Assembly The conference welcome drinks reception starts at 19.30 at Un Petit Truc en Plus. Registration The […]
31 May 2023, all day
This working group has multiple aims: A more effective discussion on possible project ideas among EPR members Updates on relevant calls and funding opportunities Mutual learning on the topic of project planning and management The first online meeting in 2023 was mainly focused on sharing upcoming EU calls relevant for EPR members, discussing potential project […]
24-25 May 2023 (half days)
The aim of this study visit is to raise awareness of the European Pillar of Social Rights (EPSR), learn from each other’s good practices, discuss challenges and develop recommendations to address them. This meeting will focus on working with people on the autistic spectrum and will also discuss the implications and relevance of actions planned […]
16-17 May 2023
EPR Mental Health Working Group members are meeting in Graz (Austria) over a day and a half, hosted by EPR member Chance B to learn more about their mental health services and work together in person developing, gathering resources and exchanging opinions about practices in mental health treatment. This study visit is only available for […]
19 April 2023, 14:30 - 16:30 CET
The Working Group on Digital Skills supports digital skills of various target groups including service users, learners and teachers’ skills, both in turn supporting the digital transformation of services. The policy recommendations from these activities contribute to reduce labour market and social exclusion and inequalities and digital skills gaps, i.e. also smoothen digital transitions. This […]
18 April, 15.00-17.00 CEST
EPR in 2023 starts the Working Group Return to Work/Partnership with Employers. The WG has been set up to refocus EPR’s work on services and tools/instruments by our members targeted to support employers, to continue earlier work on return-to-work programmes and to take up, where relevant, activities done in the last years in the framework […]
30 March 2023, 9:00 - 16:00 CET
In recent years EPR members have increasingly expressed interest collaborating in the area of working with young people with disabilities. The joint work started off in December 2020 at the (online) National Awareness Raising Event (NARE) in Germany where a number of EPR members presented their services and programmes for young people with disabilities. In […]