National Awareness Raising Event Slovenia – Services for PWD during COVID19

Online 17th December 2020

EPR and the University Rehabilitation Institute (URI) jointly organised an event on how training and employment services for people with a disability had been adapted during the COVID-19 pandemic – what are the challenges and lessons learnt? There were presentations of challenges of service provision under COVID19 and how services were adapted in Slovenia and beyond.

This was an opportunity to share experiences and good practices from across Europe, as well as what the EU was doing on this topic. Discussions and recommendations were shared from participants to policymakers.

University Rehabilitation Institute – URI

URI is a Slovenian organisation that offers comprehensive rehabilitation services to improve the quality of life of their patients with disabilities and contribute to a quicker return to the everyday environment. Research and education significantly contribute to the development and modernization of the URI rehabilitation doctrine.

European Platform for Rehabilitation – EPR
EPR is a community of service providers for people with disabilities who are committed to high-quality service. EPR’s vision is a society where every person can create quality services that provide equal opportunities for all, social integration, and quality of life. EPR’s mission is to build members’ capacity to provide high-quality, sustainable services through mutual learning and education. Its motto is “Learning and Innovating Together.”


Information details

Registration form Programme file