NARE Mental Health in Employment
Amersfoort, The Netherlands
21 June 2022 9.00-12.30
June 21st 2022 in collaboration with the Dutch International Mental Health Hub EPR organised a National Awareness Raising Event on Mental health in employment. This event focused on the mental health of professionals delivering mental health services and services to people with disabilities.
The event saw the participation of international and local policy makers and professionals in this field and it showcased EPR members’ good practices and Dutch projects.
Speakers included:
- Ms. Meredith Fendt-Newlin, Technical Officer for Health Workforce at WHO
- Ms. Catherine Kane, Technical Officer for Health Workforce at WHO
- Dr. Heather Rogers, Expert Panel on Effective Ways of Investing in Health, DG SANTE
- Prof. Christos Lionis, Expert Panel on Effective Ways of Investing in Health, DG SANTE
- Ms. Nayla Glaise, President of Eurocadres
- Ms. Dorota Sienkiewicz, Senior Policy Coordinator at EuroHealthNet/EU Alliance for mental health & work
- Ms. Breeda Doherty, Regional Quality Assurance Manager at Cedar Foundation (Northern Ireland)
- Heliomare (The Netherlands)
- Mr. Jorge Lopez Martín, Human Resources Officer at Fundacion INTRAS (Spain)
- Ms. Vassia Sarantopoulou, Head Psychologist, CEO & Founder of AntiLoneliness
- Dr. Margot Joosen, Senior Researcher at Tilburg University
- Mr. Hans te Brake, Senior Policy Advisor R&D at ARQ National Psychotrauma Center
- Ms. Margriet Formanoy, Project Manager for mental health at work at Trimbos Instituut
- Ms. Mariia Shaidrova, Head of Department of the Displaced People Unit – Help for Ukraine, the Netherlands
At the end of the conference participants had the opportunity to join a networking lunch to further exchange views and create new synergies.
This event was public.