Goal Oriented Project Planning Workshop

Brussels 15 – 16 December 2022


The G.O.P.P. (Goal-Oriented Project Planning) is tool for project management in which all stakeholders are invited to join the project planning phase.

The G.O.P.P. is part of Project Cycle Management, in particular the project planning phase, but provides useful reference points throughout the implementation of the project and during its evaluation.

The G.O.P.P. is method can be freely used: it is not copyrighted or patented. It has been used in a wide variety of situations since the 1980s and has proved to be robust and effective in helping groups defining clear objectives and designing related action plans.

Why is the G.O.P.P. interesting to EPR members?

Over the years, the G.O.P.P. has proven to be particularly useful in difficult contexts, where project planning must take into account variables that are difficult to control. For this reason, this methodology is particularly suitable for projects that have a strong contribution in terms of human resources (more than material resources). It is therefore particularly suitable for projects in the social and educational fields, in which the human element and the complexity of the contexts require specific competences and dedicated tools.

Training Content

To be implemented and completed, the G.O.P.P. workshop foresees a 5-days workshop (8 training modules). The training organized by EPR, lasting 1 day and a half, will provide an overview of the different G.O.P.P. tools and will focus mainly on those deemed most useful for EPR members:

Modules 2 – 3 – 4

  • Module 2: Problems analysis
  • Module 3: Objectives Analysis
  • Module 4: The Logical Framework Approach:

Who is this training designed for?

  • Project managers
  • Project writers
  • Grant officers/managers
  • Organizational development responsibles

This specific version of the training will be particularly useful for organizations working in the field of EDUCATION and SOCIAL INCLUSION.

Full programme & registration link are available below.

EPR will organise a social dinner in the evening, and will ask for a contribution of 30€. EPR members can also request a subsidy for accommodation in Brussels, of 137€/person. If you would like to join the dinner and or request the subsidy please indicate it in the registration form.


This workshop is free for EPR full members

Fee for observer members: 150 €

Fee for non-members: 490 €


For more information, please contact: Benedetta Pesce bpesce@epr.eu


Information details

Registration form Programme file