These meetings are the occasion for the main contact people from the EPR members to gather to discuss developments and activities in the network, examine key EU initiatives, exchange project ideas, share good practice and network.
The Centers Coordinators meeting in Nov 2017 will be an opportunity to examine the latest EU policy developments, share successful practices promoting employment of people with disabilities, and to look at how the expertise of EPR members could be transferred in the field of integration of people with a migration background. The meeting will also be an opportunity to exchange project ideas, having a virtual tour of the new EPR website and planning the AC2018, which marks the 25th anniversary of the EPR network.
The General Assembly consists of the Chief Executives/Directors of full members and is the decision-making body of EPR. Its main task is to set the strategic, financial and organisational framework of EPR, to discuss and approve EPR policies and activities, as well as to present and discuss issues of interest to Directors. Associate members can participate as observers. In 2017 the agendas will include discussion of EPR’s strategy post-2017