Change4Inclusion Project: Concluding Steps and Deliverables

The Change4Inclusion (C4I) project, an ambitious initiative aimed at fostering inclusive workplaces, concluded successfully in 2023. The project culminated in two pivotal Transnational Steering Group meetings on January 11 and February 28, where partners finalized the primary deliverables and strategized the effective dissemination of the project’s valuable insights and products. Additionally, a dissemination event was held on February 22.

Key Deliverables of the Change4Inclusion Project

  1. Instrument to Measure Inclusivity in Enterprises/Organizations:
    • Talentoscope/C4I Interview Questionnaire & Interview Manual: This tool is designed to assess the inclusiveness of organizations and workplaces, providing a structured method to evaluate and promote inclusive practices.
  2. Guidance for Mentors and Training Modules:
    • Manual/Guidance for Coaches in Mentorcafés & Training Modules: These resources offer comprehensive guidance for mentors, particularly in the context of disability and labor market inclusion, enhancing their capacity to support inclusive practices.
  3. Policy Advice on Experiential Expertise:
    • Policy advice on the use of expertise by experience/experiential experts in labor market inclusion and vocational rehabilitation services: This deliverable provides strategic recommendations for leveraging the expertise of individuals with lived experience in disability and inclusion, aiming to inform and influence policy in vocational rehabilitation.
  4. Business Case Model/Canvas:
    • This model aids organizations in understanding the economic and strategic benefits of adopting inclusive practices, providing a structured approach to integrate these benefits into their business models.
  5. Policy Recommendations:
    • Comprehensive policy recommendations aimed at promoting inclusive job design and organizational culture, ensuring long-term sustainability and effectiveness of inclusive practices.

Dissemination Event

To facilitate widespread adoption and understanding of these tools, the European Platform for Rehabilitation (EPR) organised a webinar on February 22. This event was a significant part of the dissemination activities, aimed at EPR members and other stakeholders interested in inclusive employment practices.

The webinar featured six key presentations on the tools developed by the C4I project, offering participants a deep dive into the methodologies and applications. The event attracted 22 participants, including 13 from six EPR member organizations across five countries and nine external participants. Notably, the DG EMPL Policy Officer coordinating the Disability Employment Package and the Secretary of the European Network of Public Employment Services (PES Network) also attended.


The Change4Inclusion project has made significant strides in promoting inclusive workplaces and shifting organizational mindsets towards inclusivity. The tools and recommendations developed through this project provide a robust framework for enterprises and organizations to embed inclusive practices sustainably. The successful dissemination and positive reception of these resources underscore the project’s impact and the potential for broader adoption across various sectors.