The objective of this document is to highlight the success factors of key policy frameworks, legislation and employment models supporting the transition of persons with disabilities into the open labour market. The publication is aimed at national and EU decision-makers. It has a specific aim to feed into the initiatives that are part of the “Employment Package” launched under the European Strategy for the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, but will inform all of EPR’s advocacy work in the field of employment, including the joint work with partners in the Inclusive Labour Market Alliance.
The document is also aimed at service providers, who can find information about the success factors to improve the implementation of services that they are running or could introduce, better work with employers and meet their needs. The perspectives of both jobseekers with disabilities and employers were taken into consideration during the development of the study.
For decision makers and service providers considering a specific policy or model, EPR and members have identified challenges, success factors and questions for reflection. These are aimed to facilitate analysis of whether such a policy or practice should or could be implemented and how best to implement it. In a separate annex, good practices in policies and practices have been identified and explained. A link to download this document can be found on page
The EPR secretariat carried out a small literature review of existing research on policies and practices, drawing out success factors identified there. Then EPR member experts in a task force worked to develop the document, adding their reflections and insights from experience. The main conclusions were presented at the Public Affairs event for discussion which fed into the publication.
You can download the publication here.
The annex of good practices can be found here.