Commissioner for Health and Food Safety on Mental Health

On the occasion of this year’s World Mental Health Day, the Commissioner for Health and Food Safety, Stella Kyriakides, stated that the European Union will allocate up to €8.4 million to support community-based mental health system reforms, multi-level national suicide prevention programmes, practical plans to tackle depression and a housing approach for people with severe mental health problems. Commissioner Kyriakides declared that before the pandemic, 1 out of 6 Europeans was affected by mental health issues. Due to COVID-19, the numbers are now increasing, although it is difficult to quantify the cases. In particular she addressed her thoughts to the elderly, health workers and essential social service providers. The Commissioner affirmed that today more than ever we must pay attention to our mental health, ask for help in case of need and support those who are closest to us.

This year our online campaign is dedicated to Mental Health issues. Follow it on Facebook, on Twitter with the hashtag #InclusionMatters.