EU funding to support COVID-19 crisis recovery

In a bid to tackle social and employment challenges after the COVID-19 crisis, the EU has put forward a revision of the EU’s social funding.

The European Commission has identified some key issues that will need support, those being: higher youth unemployment, basic food and protective materials to vulnerable communities and child poverty. Also, green and digital transition, unlock opportunities to gain skills for workers and more inclusive societies. 

In order to support these issues, the European Social Fund (ESF) and the Fund for European Aid of the Most Deprived (FEAD) will receive an injection of 55 billion EUR for 2020-2022. In addition, a crisis response mechanism is introduced to make sure a rapid response is provided in case of future emergencies. To do so, the rules of the current funding programs and future budget proposals are being adapted.

The additional resources to the ESF will be addressed at the following priorities as listed by the European Commission:

  • Maintaining jobs, including through short-time work schemes and support to self-employed to protect their income
  • Creating new jobs, in particular for people in vulnerable situations
  • Youth employment measures
  • Education and training
  • Skills development, in particular to support the twin green and digital transitions
  • Measures to enhance access to social and health care services, including for children.

The ESF+ will be the main funding tool to ensure the implementation of the European Pillar of Social Rights. In the next budgetary period from 2021 to 2027, the ESF+, as proposed in recent amendments to the program by the European Commission, will strengthen support to youth unemployment; tackle child poverty; support green and digital transitions through investment in skilling opportunities; and the above mentioned crisis response mechanism.

Additional funds will support employment and social objectives.

>> Read the complete proposal by the European Commission here.