European Disability Strategy – Public Consultation: Have your say! 

The current European Disability Strategy will arrive to its end next year 2020. Ahead of the end of its timeline, the European Commission gathers the opinion of citizens, experts and civil society organisations willing to give their feedback evaluating the progress achieved by the Strategy. The objective of the public evaluation is clear: to identify what worked and what didn’t in order to start defining the priorities of the Strategy after 2020. 

The first evaluations of the Strategy already marked Employment as the main field in which there has been little progress. Whereas Accessibility marks as a more successful area with the adoption of the Accessibility Act, a step forward in making EU countries accessible for people with disabilities. 

The objective of the evaluation is to collect feedback, evidence and views to prepare and shape the future European policies on Disability. 
So far the most important area of action identified for the future is Equality, looking for more opportunities of legislation within the next Strategy and a better implementation of the UN CRPD. 
What is the timeline for the Evaluation? The end of public consultation is set to be by October 2019; a Final Report will be published in January 2020 and in June 2020, the European Commission outcome of the evaluation and policy proposals for the future will be available. 

EPR is working with its members to provide clear feedback and input into the consultations to ellaborate the next European Disability Strategy including recommendations on how to break the barriers on the Employment of people with disabilities with the next Disability Strategy. 

>> Read more about the European Disability Strategy here
>> Follow the evaluation of the European Disability Strategy here
>> Read more about EPR work on this area here