2021 Annual Sustainable Growth Strategy: NextGenerationEU and the Recovery and Resilience Facility

The new European Commission Annual Sustainable Growth Strategy (ASGS) will set out every year the strategic guidelines that will guide the EU actions during over the year. In 2021, the ASGS will focus on the implementation of the Recovery and Resilience Facility. At the centre of NextGenerationEU, the Facility is the main recovery tool put in place by the EC to help the EU emerge stronger and more stable from the current crisis. The Facility will provide an exceptional EUR 672.5 billion of financial assistance in loans and grants for the vital first years of recovery from the consequences of COVID 19.

To benefit from the Recovery and Resilience Facility, national governments should submit their draft recovery and resilience plans, detailing national expenditure and reform priorities, in line with the EU policy requirements. These plans should also address the economic policy challenges found in the country-specific recommendations of recent years and, in particular, in the cycles of 2019 and 2020.

EPR encourages its members to be in touch with the local and regional authorities to ensure that service provision and consequences to the service delivery due to the pandemic can be represented in the national plans submitted from the national government to the European Commission.

>> Read more about the 2021 Annual Sustainable Growth Strategy here.